San Mateo Dog Training Club
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Event Results
AKC Obedience and Rally Trial Results
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Our apologies as there are no pictures of the Novice class Winners.
Rally Novice A: First Place: Christine Cung and her All-American Dog.
Rally Novice B: First Place: Lea Orloski and her Belgian Malinois; Second Place: Pamela Durke and her Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever; Third Place: Peggy Krewson and her Golden Retriever.
AKC Scent Work Trial Results
Saturday, January 14, 2023
AKC Scent Work Trial for Novice Containers, Novice Interior, Novice Buried, Novice Exterior, Novice Handler Discrimination, Advanced Containers, Advanced Interior, Advanced Buried, Advanced Exterior, and Advanced Handler Discrimination.
Huge congratulations to:
- High In Trial Novice: Gyro (Portuguese Water Dog) and Sherry Hanen
- High In Trial Novice Combined: Gypsy (English Springer Spaniel) and Kathryn Grossi
- High In Trial Advanced: Twizzle (English Cocker Spaniel) and Wendy Hilton
- High In Trial Advanced Combined: Twizzle and Wendy Hilton
AKC Scent Work Trial Results
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Judge: Kelly Boyer
83 Qualifying scores out of 119 total runs (runs evenly distributed between Novice and Advanced).
Novice High in Trial went to Karey Krauter and Now with a combined time of 00:24:06!
Advanced High in Trial went to Denise McInerney and Lexi with a combined time of 01:42:19!
Congratulations to all who qualified, earned titles and all who tried their best. Hope to see you again in January 2023!

AKC Scent Work Trial Results
Saturday, January 15, 2022
AKC Scent Work Trial for Advanced Handler Discrimination, Novice Handler Discrimination, Novice Containers, Novice Interior, and Novice Buried.
> High in Trial / High Combined Results