San Mateo Dog Training Club

2025 SMDTC Board

Ann Gaskell
Vice President
Kitty Norwood
Cindy Ievers
Recording Secretary
Miria Vargas
Corresponding Secretary
Sue Clough
Patsi Nelson
Michele Freitas
Connie Jardine
Past President
Milly Robertson


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Member Brags

Kitty Norwood & Arlo

Jan 21, 2018

 Arlo tied for first place in Rally Intermediate with 96 at San Mateo DTC and came home with second place.  He was just 2 seconds slower.

Michele Freitas & Star

Jan 15, 2018

Star had 189 in Preferred Novice at Sacramento DTC for first place.

Sue Clough & Flare

Dec 15, 2017

Flare received her CD, TKI, and TKA titles.

Ceci Martinez and her Miniature Poodle, Janie, at the 2016 National Rally Championships.

Ceci Martinez & Janie

May 22, 2016

I was invited to the 2016 Rally National Championships held in Oklahoma and we competed in Advanced. Despite the huge venue, long day and difficult courses, Janie continued to do her best for me. I am so proud of my little 'work in progress', who continues to show her willingness to try in spite of her sensitivities. She is now officially known as Princess Merry Jane RA AX AXJ OF CAX MAD.

Apollo is on the right, "pulling the line". Photo in book by Nancy Gaffney.

Judy Knorr & Apollo

Jan 1, 2016

Apollo is the PWD pulling the line in the new (2014) edition of the AKC Book of Dog Breeds. Judy was very excited that he was chosen from photos taken at the Northwest Water Trials. It shows him working!

Cody is awarded his Tracking Dog Excellent title, pictured with owner/handler Denise Gormish, the judges and the tracklayer.

Denise Gormish & Cody

Mar 15, 2015

Cody, a six year old English Cocker Spaniel, had a year full of new titles. In early 2015 he successfully completed his Tracking Dog Excellent title, as well as Novice Agility Jumpers with Weaves and Rally Novice. Cody is a sweet and talented dog whose tail never stops wagging. 

Cody is now Radiance Grand Prix TDX NA NAJ NF RN CGC. 

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Member Titles

Titles Earned in 2018

Lynn Azzopardi

  • Havere Sheli Little Ripstick BN RI RATN CGC TKA CGCA RATI RATN (Ripley)
    Rally Intermediate, Canine Good Citizen Advanced, Beginner Novice, Rally Novice, Novice Barn Hunt
  • Havere Sheli Chester Song And Dance Man CD BN RAE OA MXJ OF CGC TKA CGCA (Chester)
    Rally Advanced Excellent, Canine Good Citizen Advanced

Kathryn Blink

  • GCHB Driftwood Wink and A Smile CDX BN GN RM RAE2 SWN SHDN (Wink)
    Grand Champion Bronze, Rally Master, Scent Work Novice, Scent Work Buried Novice, Scent Work Container Novice, Scent Work Exterior Novice, Scent Work Interior Novice, Scent Work Handler Discrimination Novice

Cheryl Boyer

  • DC Avita Moet & Chandon, MC, CD, TD, RA, CGC, RATO, SCN, SEN, BCAT (Big Mo)
    Scent Work Containers Novice, AKC Scent Work Exteriors Novice
  • Avita Cinq a Sept, SC, BCAT, CGC, RN, RATO, SCA, SEN, SIN (Woot)
    Rally Novice, Scent Work Containers Novice, Scent Work Exteriors Novice, Scent Work Interiors Novice, Scent Work Containers Advanced

Fran Corrigan

  • CH Southampton’s Bad to the Bone SWN SCA SEA SIA SHDN RATI RATN (Kuma)
    Scent Work Container Advanced, Scent Work Interior Novice, Scent Work Exterior Novice, Scent Work Exterior Advanced, Scent Work Buried Novice, Scent Work Novice, Scent Work Handler Discrimination Novice

Michele Freitas

  • Hi Saw Star Bright BN PCD CD RI CGC TKN TKI TKA (Star)
    Preferred Novice, Companion Dog, Rally Intermediate, Novice Trick Dog, Intermediate Trick Dog, Advanced Trick Dog

Amanda Gardner

  • Rockyrose Sweetdreams Mo Bettah CDX PCDX BN GN RM RAE3 CGCA TKP (Mo)
    Companion Dog Excellent, Graduate Novice, Rally Master, Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine, Novice Trick Dog, Intermediate Trick Dog, Advanced Trick Dog, Performer Trick Dog

Denise Gormish

  • Radiance Grand Prix TDX NAJ NA NF RN CGC (Cody)
    Scent Work Novice Containers
  • Agate's Red Hot Finish TD NW3 SDS-D TEAM1 (Finn)
    Scent Work Novice, Scent Advanced Containers, Scent Excellent Containers, Scent Advanced Interiors, Scent Advanced Exteriors, Sniffing Dog Sports - Excellent

Elaine Gray

  • Toreth-Indium Treat Me Like A Lady RN CGC TKN (Josie)
    Canine Good Citizen, Novice Trick Dog, Rally Novice

Sharon Hall

  • Castlehill's Saving Grace, UD, VER, BN, TD, RE, TKN, TKI, TKA, SHDN, CGC, CGCA (Grace)
    Scent Work Handler Discrimination Novice
  • Castlehill's HE Rosie the Riveter, SWN, SHDN, CGC, TKN (Rosie)
    Scent Work: Novice, Handler Discrimination Novice, Containers Novice, Interiors Novice, Exteriors Novice, Buried Novice

Peg Hickox

  • Tennescott White Mtns Saco BN RN RI CGCA CGCU TKI TKA (Saco)
    Beginner Novice, Rally Novice, Rally Intermediate, Canine Good Citizen Advanced, Canine Good Citizen Urban, Intermediate Trick Dog, Advanced Trick Dog

Linda Kirk

  • Woodstock’s Snickerdoodle CDX (Snickers)
    Companion Dog Excellent

Ceci Martinez

  • MACH2 Absolute Silver Princess Merry Jane RE MXS PAD MJS MXF TQX CAX2 ADCH Bronze (Janie)
    Master Agility Champion 2, Agility Master Fast Excellent, Master Silver Jumper, Triple Q Excellent, Premier Agility Dog, Master Standard Silver

Carlie Seelig Miller

  • Teko Masters C&C’s Golden Sunset BN RA CAA (Tawny)
    Rally Advanced, Dock Junior
  • C&C’s Forty Bucks To Freedom BN RA (Soda Pop)
    Rally Advanced

Patsi Nelson

  • Havere Sheli Buster Posey MVP CD BN RE MX MXJ MXF T2B2 CGCA TKN (Buster)
    Companion Dog, Rally Excellent, Master Agility Excellent, Canine Good Citizen Advanced, Time 2 Beat 2
  • Lorra Lee's Memories in Motion CD BN RI NA NAJ CGCA TKN (Sony)
    Companion Dog, Beginner Novice, Rally Advanced, Rally Intermediate, Novice Agility, Novice Agility Jumpers, Canine Good Citizen Advanced

Kitty Norwood

  • Coyote's Northbound Odyssey BN CD RI TKI CGC (Arlo)
    Rally Intermediate, Trick Dog Novice, Trick Dog Intermediate, Companion Dog
  • Mich Mt Nothin' But Blue Skies CGC (Skyla)
    Canine Good Citizen

Jane Pharr

  • Sittingbullies Skyfarm Truffles BN RN CGC (Truff)
    Rally Novice

Kris Stauffer

  • GCh Ch MACH Element's Windy Belle CD RAE CGC MSJ MSA (Belle)
    Rally Advanced Excellent, Master Agility Champion 2
  • Emerald's Jewel of the Lakes BN CD CGC RAE NA NAJ OA OAJ AXJ AX (Jewels)
    Companion Dog, Achiever Dog, Rally Advanced Excellent

Harriet Tucker

  • GCh Ch Gerstdale’s Capital Gains BN RI SH CGCA TKN (Tully)
    AKC Community Canine, Trick Dog Novice, Rally Intermediate
  • Gerstdale’s Frito Bandito CDX BN RAE4 CGCA TKI (Banjo)
    Canine Good Citizen Advanced, Trick Dog Intermediate

Scott Zamvil

  • GCh Ch MACH4 Sea Haven Hurricane KD CD RN HT MXB2 MXF T2B6 (KayDee)
    Herding Test
  • Havere Sheli Ari Hakatan CD BN RN MXJ OF (Ari)
    Companion Dog, Rally Novice
  • Havere Sheli Kirby's Rising Phoenix BN RN HT NA NAJ NF (Phoenix)
    Beginner Novice, Rally Novice, Herding Test, Novice Agility, Novice Agility Jumpers, Novice FAST, Open Agility Jumpers, Open FAST